FAQ: Quality Verification
Why is there GIA verification only on certain lab-grown diamonds?
We’re introducing GIA verification for our highest quality DEF Loose stones first, to provide enhanced transparency and confidence for our customers. We will expand future verification to include additional color grades.
How does the GIA verification work?
GIA verification is the process of confirming the authenticity and quality of a lab-grown diamond. The GIA report represents the highest standard of reliability, consistency and integrity in diamond grading, and our approach to quality verification through GIA provides independent third-party assessment of our stones using a random sampling process. Starting with our DEF white round brilliant Loose stones, we will provide a statistically significant sample from each production run to be graded, ensuring the stones meet GIA’s stringent quality criteria for color, clarity and cut, allowing for the entire batch to be verified and sold as Lightbox stones.
Why are technical specifications no longer printed?
As we continue to change our verification processes and provide detailed specifications based on the items you purchase, we want to ensure we are continuing to find ways to reduce our footprint. You will be able to print your specifications for every lab-grown diamond you purchase from our download page.